matomo code


Responsible for content

René B. Museum
c/o TFL GmbH
Solothurnerstrasse 50
4053 Basel

Realization and programming



Fanny Mouchet
Thierry Leyva

1. Content of the online offering

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3. Copyright and trademark law

In all publications, the author endeavors to ensure that the copyrights of the images, sounds, video sequences, and texts used are observed, that images, sounds, video sequences, and texts created by the author are used, or that public domain images, sounds, video sequences, and texts are used. If protected brand names and trademarks are used in the Internet offering or, if applicable, mentioned by third parties, these shall – without exception – be subject to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the property rights of the relevant registered owner. It cannot be concluded that these trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties simply because they are named! The copyright for published elements and elements created by the author shall remain solely with the author of the page. The reproduction and use of these images, sounds, video sequences, and texts in other electronic or print publications is not permitted without the explicit consent of the author.